
Gay Married

As Republicans debate what to send gay island, my girlfriend and I are discussing what to use at our wedding tablecloths. My will-be-wife Susan is a designer and looking for something earthly, meets the lace, I am a child of immigrants, and I'm looking for something cheap is the cheapest.
Just to clarify for those of you who took my shot in the head by a Jonas Brother Pakistan: I am a girl. * Beyonce is my girl. We are gay married (or "g'married," if you want).
Since announcing our engagement a month ago, we had a series of hilariously clumsy reactions. My favorite is: "Oh, yes it's legal.". As if Susan and I spent the last three years attached to C-SPAN, waiting for the law of same-sex marriage agreed: "Honey, I want to spend the rest of my life with you ... Poughkeepsie when the governor says it's great. "

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Do not minimize the importance of marriage equality. It is (if it's not hella) important. The reality is that we live in an era when much of society looks at homosexuality as if it were a Sudoku puzzle very difficult.
While waiting for Texas to do the math, I have some good news: a gay wedding planning in half-controversial presents some huge advantages.
Cut the fat
I will not call my parents Muslims away from fat (well, not all), but as money, I save a guest list tighter. Not that I would like Muneeb uncle, it's just that I prefer not to spend $ 120 for him to watch the sea of ​​asymmetrical haircuts at our reception and I wonder how you explain that to God. Fortunately, unlike the label of marriage, parent-of-the-bride-gay are not spaced around your family tree for lists that will be invited to members-not to be remembered for the meeting.
Invitations as

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While some participants at your wedding will inevitably be the "what is a gay?" persuasion. My father of Beyoncé, for example, is a good man, a Catholic military has made clear he did not "believe" in gay marriage. To show our understanding, we will send a personalized invitation that says, "You are invited to our wedding ... in the Bermuda Triangle watch us exchange vows in a crop circle was left by a duo of Tupac and Biggie. . ". I imagine our wedding, we look at exchange of rings, saying "? Gay marriage gay mirage ... Naw!"
Shmadition Tradition
While their heterosexual brothers are forced into a bidding war for the family country club, to produce an exact replica of 80 pounds of your grandmother, the train of white velvet, and singing the anthem of the family you, my gay friend, be a pioneer. Have your wedding in the forest, underwater, on a Greek island ** - it's your turn. You do not like the idea of ​​walking down the aisle? Have your wedding at the end of a walkway. You want to be sure you and your partner are the most beautiful of the ceremony? Make the cheap wedding dresses code ill-fitting clothes of the 90s with a strict "no makeup" policy.
Hopefully, one day, our cohorts heterocoupled can enjoy the same freedoms that bask in the meantime, when his friend straight draws near, almost in tears, telling his mother-in-law went ahead and change the size of the bridal dress horrible girlfriend, ordered 5000 pink tablecloths, and invited all the generations of her sorority, reassuring smile and said, "It gets better." ...

1 comentario:

  1. Hi,

    Nice blog! Gay marriage will accelerate the assimilation of gays into the mainstream heterosexual culture. The gay community has created its own vibrant culture. By reducing the gap of opportunities and experiences between gay and heterosexual people, this unique culture may cease to exist. Thanks...

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