
Eternal Happiness In A Wedding Dress

The magic of winter can mean many things. For lovers of many that might be the end of waiting. During the season, he (or she) is the problem, and now you're getting married! Let's start the wedding planning!
These preparations (often hectic) a determined search for the right location, good atmosphere, the rings on the right side, the right clothes. Often a bride already knows exactly how you see your wedding day, if I could find the perfect dress and accessories you want.
But almost certainly not be expected, her wedding dress will inspire some of the greatest works of art in the world. Or that her husband always re-imagined as sharing the joy of their marriage in the oil painting.
But that is exactly what happens to Bella Rosenfeld Chagall Russia than four years after his marriage in the rainy afternoon of 25 July 1915, her husband, the painter Marc Chagall, the art world with his portrait of surprised double-glass of wine, a portrait of the couple in wedding dress, almost a century later, is considered to be "more lyrical representation of marital bliss ever put on screen."
To dress like Bella Wedding reflected in the paintings of her husband? Double-Portrait (1917), is worn with long sleeves and collar, the purple underwear on their game series, while Marc, resplendent in a red jacket and green shirt, riding on the shoulders, waving a glass of wine.
But in marriage (1918), Bella's dress is a rigid upper part of the neck, a long veil and her gloved hand, according to the traditional costume of the brand and a hat. In a distant road, playing a violin while the mouse over and kiss the bride and the groom is from a red-winged Blackbird Ida, their daughter, who was born in 1916.
What kind of marriage as a very happy couple U.S.? What lessons can we learn from the Chagall?
The first is the depth, strength and confidence was his love. They met when she was fourteen Bella, Marc 21st It was love at first sight and forever.
Marc "and broke the rest of my life," wrote Bella. "His eyes were so blue that the sky lives rectangular, such as almonds. The face of the child in me, my alter ego, his voice is in my ears."
Marc says: "His silence me your eyes, I always think they know me, my childhood, my current life, my future .. As if to see me, feel my heart if not the first time I saw I. knew it was her, my wife. "
But Bella was just a beautiful teenager, a troubled artist Marc, and came to the very different social and economic classes. The six years it took to overcome these problems, only increased his love and strengthen their commitment to each other.
Marc was the eldest of nine children whose father worked, no, "the job from hell" as an accomplice of herring, while his mother sells food from home. But Bella, youngest daughter of a wealthy man, who has three jewelry stores, a good education and grew up in luxury.
The Rosenfeld wrote, Marc, "prepared enormous cakes, apple, cheese, poppy seed, in light of what I would have fainted. And the breakfast is much cake, all in rage was served in a frenzy of greed. "The Chagall, but to do so," a simple meal, like a still life by Chardin in Los Angeles. "And in contrast to Rosenfeld, who ate chicken every day, Chagall was just on the eve of the Day of Atonement.
Bella's mother ridiculed her daughter's lover. "I think if you put rouge on the cheeks. What kind of man to do, know this rosy-cheeked boy a girl? Never, how to earn a living. Because he must be hungry with my daughter. ... And all ? say "
Rosenfeld Chagall disapproval strengthened the determination to make a name for himself as an artist, so it can feed a family. Thanks to a Russian patron, Chagall lived several years in the rich art in Paris, and studied painting until he accumulated an impressive portfolio.
At the same time it was thought that "the clock" to Bella and her faithful, waived by the carnal pleasures of Paris. Instead, he focused on the mastery of his art and established himself as a painter and paintings to sell.
His perseverance and loyalty to Bella paid. In 1915, back home in Vitebsk, Rosenfeld died of the arguments that Bella would be a good husband to be.
But right wedding arrangements only Rosenfeld, who planned and paid for. Marc came too late, and listening to the customer a rumor about him - "Who is your father," a snob, thinking out loud - and how they laughed greedy eyes of the wedding party.
As for the ceremony, Rabbi wise and wily old shed blessing - or "maybe the curse" -. Chagall almost fainted, "I am a hero of a traditional wedding ceremony under the wedding canopy, just as it was in my paintings, I was have the blessing -. All was done according to tradition, despite my objections," he recalls with irony . He felt angry, alienated, but very happy about it, "the greatest night of my life."
Marriage and its props - including the cheap wedding dresses that came to symbolize their marriage - - not in itself the same. What mattered was that romantic love, personal respect and deep mutual commitment, shared values ​​and tireless efforts have brought these extraordinary lovers to join in an idyllic marriage lasted 29 until the death of Bella.

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